Your Dependable Notarization Ally

Navigate the complexities of document authentication with us as your trusted partner. Our notary professionals are committed to delivering reliable, efficient notarial services. Whether it's a personal document or a business contract, we ensure accurate validation with our extensive knowledge and expertise.

Partnering with a Notary Professional

Notary vs. Attorney - Understanding Your Needs

When considering the choice between a notary or an attorney, it's vital to understand the unique services each provides. Attorneys are qualified to practice law, represent you in court, and provide a full legal defense. On the other hand, notaries are specialists in certifying and validating documents, handling administrative legal tasks, and overseeing signatures on important documents such as contracts or agreements. When deciding which professional is right for you, consider the nature of your needs and which services are more relevant. It's important to choose the professional that aligns best with your specific requirements.

Under the Texas Admin. Code 87.43JPI Services are not attorneys or a law office; we are not licensed to practice law in Texas and may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.


Document Notarization

Authenticate your documents with our standard notary service.

Mobile Notary Services

Notary services at your convenience, wherever you are.

Estate Planning Document Notarization

Expert notarization for wills, trusts, and more.

Real Estate Document Notarization

Specialized service for real estate deeds and mortgages.

Price list


JPI Services

Document Notarization

Authenticate your documents with our standard notary service.

JPI Services

Courier Services

Starting at 35.00 Please call for a more accurate estimate

JPI Services

Appostille Services

Please call for a more accurate estimate. Services start at 150.

Success is not the destination, but the journey we embrace. Persistence and vision chart the path, regardless of the venture.


Price List

Notarial Fees


+1.00 per 100 words


$10 for the first signiture 1$ per additional signiture

Certified Copies

$10 for each certificate


$4 for each bill or note 1$ per notice served $4 for Certificate and Seal


$10 for the first signature 1$ for each additional signature

Price list

Loan Signing,Escrow and Real Estate

Loan Signing

(25 miles of travel inclused) Fee for a single Loan Closing; Mileage fee is aditional 1.00 per mile over 25 miles

Additional Related Loan Closing (Piggyback Loan)

Fee for additional loan closing that IS related to the first loan.

Additional Unrelated Loan Closing

For additional loan closing that is Not related to the first loan.

Printing of electronic documents

Up to 250 pages, there will be an additional fee of $0.25 per page for additional pages after the initial 250 pages

Fax Up to 20 pages 

 Fee for faxing up to 20 pages; there will be an additional fee of $0.20 per page for additional pages after the initial 15 pages.

Travel and Non-Closing 

Fee if notary travels to a location and borrower refuses to sign.

Full Purchase 

Fee for full purchase notary signing (closing).

Reverse Mortgage 

Fee for reverse mortgage notary signing

Loan Application 

 Fee if notarization is needed for a loan application.

Cash Deal 

Fee for cash deals (e.g. HELOCs).

Cancellation Fee 

Fee applied with TWO (2) hour or less notice of cancellation.

EDoc – Extra Charge

 Fee for EDoc; this fee is in addition to the signing fee; this fee only applies if notary is offering this service. Check with notary to see if this service is currently being offered.


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